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Fireworks explode over the stadium during the Opening Ceremony of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Friday, Aug. 13, 2004. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)


The BibleSearchers Reflections

Reflections on the Time of the End

By Robert Mock MD


Gleanings on Global News at the

Time of the End

August, 2004 Issue



The Pathway to a One World Order

Israel and the Middle East

The 2004 United States Presidential Election

America and the World of Terror

A World Religion for a World Peace

Knowledge shall be Increased


The Pathway to a One World Order


The athletes of 202 nations of the world roared in celebration as the 102 foot Olympic Bullet Torch rose into the air and opened the 2004 Athens XXXVIII Olympiad in the birthplace of democracy and the Olympic Games. How fitting for era in which the United States, the apocalyptic heir of the Grecian Empire and her principles of democracy, looms over the world as an emerging beast that once had lamb like features and is now beginning to speak like a dragon. (Revelations 13:11)  As the Olympics returned for the first time in 108 years to the city of Athens, the symbols of this joyous celebration of universal peace and harmony was shadowed by a surveillance blimp overhead and $1.5 billion in security systems to protect the public and the athletes from looming fears of the fundamentalist Islamic terrorists. 


In fact the entire world is now settling into an uneasy state of apocalyptic fear.  We perceive that our immediate world is peaceful but the existential fear envelopes all of our psychics.  This reminds me of a prophetic passage written by the yeshiva student of the Jerusalem School of Gamaliel, Rabbi Shaul (Apostle Paul) who wrote:


1 Thessalonians 5:3 – “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.  For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction come upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman.”


He goes on to explain that we are all “sons of light and sons of the day” which suggest that we should be watchful, awake and aware, yet most of all that we have been given the ‘light of prophecy’ to guide us and give us hope of our salvation through Yahshua ha Christos (Jesus the Christ).  The key words here mean “Peace with great security”.   Wow, revelation does come in little packages, but what a beautiful description of what the world we live today is becoming.  We do not have peace because the inhabitants of the world are peaceful beings, but because the security armaments that we surround ourselves will become so formidable that we will eventually be led to believe that we have now conquered terrorism, the rogue terrorist states have now been snared with the leash of internationalism and all are now walking in unison with the march of the Great World Order


There will be one holdout, the Nation of Israel(Click to Open “The Pathway to a One World Order”)

Israel and the Middle East


Jew Against Jew.  Will there be a Civil War in Israel?


The Nation of Israel is at the crossroads. The Bush administration along with the French, Germans and the United Nations are using every form of pressure on the Sharon government to quickly evacuate the Gaza Strip under the principles outlined in the “Quartet Road Map”.  The implications that many settlements in the West Bank would become immune to international pressure quickly began to unravel when the State Department alluded that they would still be bargaining chips in the political future. 


The Jewish people who have chosen to settle in communities within the West Bank area and the Gaza Strip are called the ‘settlers’ in Israel.  They are many times looked down upon by the urbanites.  The Jewish settlers are becoming radicalized as they are now beginning to realize that in the agenda of the globalists, they are destined to be a vanishing breed.  Ariel Sharon, the tough general who has been seen as a friend of the settler’s movement, is now being seen as their prime minister who has abandoned and betrayed them.  The radicalization of the settlers is also causing saber to rattle as more and more assassination plots are surfacing.  The last time this happened was when Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin began to waver in the global pressure to offer more to the Palestinians over land for peace concessions.  He was assassinated and the blame was placed by some on the settlers.  Several authors have now disputed that claim and implicate Sharon’s Labor party’s nemesis and on and off political partner, Shimon Peres as being the hand being the death of Yitzhak Rabin.    


Add to this fatal brew was a row between PM Sharon and French President Jacques Chirac, when Sharon went on record at an American Jewish leaders meeting as stating that it was time for the Jews in France to leave that country.   "We see the spread of the wildest anti-Semitism there," Sharon said, adding that French Jews should make the move as soon as possible. "I think it's a must and they have to move immediately."  President Chirac erupted and pronounced Sharon persona non grata in France.  This political verbiage does not account that the incidents of anti-Semitism, some fatal, could potentially double this year over 2003.  In France there are presently 600,000 Jews with over five million Muslim. 


For the first time the international reporters are beginning to consider the potential of civil war in Israel?  We considered this potential of a civil war in Israel in the Zechariah 11:14 prophecy of breaking the rod called ‘destroyer’ so that the brotherhood of Judah and Israel would be broken.  We’re not even at the point of observing the reality of watching the literal return of the House of Israel (Joseph or Ephraim) yet we are seeing the potential of breaking the rod of Judah.  The height of this emotional fervor came at the time of the Fast of Tisha B’Av (9th of Av), the most profound day of loss to the Jewish people.  On this day, the temples of Solomon and Herod were destroyed as well as bar Kokhba’s fortress at Betar.  Add to this day of calamities; the first Christian Crusade was declared in 1095 CE by Pope Urban II in which 10,000 Jews were killed the first month; the expulsion of Jews from England in 1290 CE; the expulsion of the Jews from Spain (including Columbus) in 1492; Britain and Russia declared war on Germany in 1914 CE with 120,000 Jews loosing their lives; the deportation of the Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to the Treblinka concentration camp in 1942 CE and the deadly bombing of the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1994 CE. 


The following day, 130,000 settlers and friends of the settlers sent a resounding ‘peaceful’ message to Ariel Sharon (Click to Open Israel and the Middle East)

The 2004 United States Presidential Election


Appeal to the hearts and minds of Americans


What Americans have learned from the Clinton and Bush presidencies is that transparency is the order of the day.  Whether the exposure is a president’s personal moral indiscretion with a White House intern or the pretense to go to war against another nation with faulty intelligence data or a personal family vendetta, the results are the same.  Welcome John Kerry to the world of American politics.  For students awaiting the coming of the Messiah, we have to consider one thing, in the future life in a heavenly dimension or a millennium kingdom, political bargaining in the cloak-rooms of Congress will not be allowed with a Messiah ruling with a ‘rod of iron’.  Right will be right.  Wrong will be wrong.  The consequences of one’s decision will not be coated with shades of grey and  the judge of morality will be Messiah of the Jews, Jesus the Nazarene.  Government under the King of kings and Lord of lords will be in service to the Lord of the Universe.  As the Prophet Isaiah said,


Isaiah 66:23 – “And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, all flesh shall come to worship before Me, saith the Lord.” 


What we witness today is the great dividing of the peoples of the world.  This nation was divided in 2000 when George Bush was given the presidency of United States by a ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States.  Bush won the electoral votes of the State of Florida and thus the vote of the Electoral College while at the same time he lost the popular vote of the citizens of America.  On that year, 2000, many citizens of the United States lost faith in the electoral process of their country.  What will happen this year?  Will 2004 be the year that the citizens of the United States loose faith in their elected leaders?


In the last four years, across the political landscape around the world, one country after another has found their citizens polarized during their national elections. The Nation of Israel is deeply polarized today.  Even as the ‘radial axis of the world’, the citizens of Israel cannot accept their national mandate given to them by their God, “Choose you this day whom you will serve. If the Lord be God, follow Him.” 

(Click to Open “The 2004 United States Presidential Election)


America and the World of Terror2-month truce seems to be crumbling


The conflict between Theocracy and a Democracy


By all accounts, the second coming of the Messiah will herald an era of the return to a Theocracy under the rule by the ‘Son of Man’ identified in Revelation as Jesus son of Joseph (Yahshua ben Yosef).  We posed the question last month, is the world becoming prepared to live under an international one world order eventually led by the Anti-Christ in order to prepare the citizens of the world to live under the one world theocracy by the God of Israel?  If so, the forces of the adversary, Satan (haSatan), are raising a powerful theocratic substitute, the theocracy of Allah.


In the first week of August, two Muslims were arrested in Albany, N.Y. and charged with money laundering to purchase illegal weapons.  Within the criminal complaint posted against the two, a mosque leader and the other a mosque founder, they were reputed to have said to the undercover agent, “although he may be breaking American laws, he was not breaking Allah’s laws.”  To a good Muslim, the laws of Allah trump the laws of the United States.  Allah is the highest and ultimate authority. 


Yet this poses a different quandary to prophetic and apocalyptic minded Christians.  Though the laws of the United States are reputed to be descendant from the Laws of God, established first by the legal codes of the Israelites, the land of American has experienced a retraction upon the principles of justice by the God of Israel.  We have repudiated the acknowledgment that the laws of the United States were framed within the constitution that shadowed the ten commandments of Moses, the Decalogue.  We no longer take an oath upon the Bible and as such no longer acknowledge the Word of God as the guardian of morality and justice.  Over the past year, we also have seen the onslaught to remove any symbols of Divine Authority in our halls of justice.  Do the laws of America today reflect our National Motto, “In God We Trust?”  If someday in the future a national Sunday Worship Law is adopted, will Sabbath-keeping Christians and Jews also have to say, the laws of the God of Israel demand that I must violate the law of the United States? 


U.N. “Oil-for-Food” Corruption – Money for 9/11


Under the investigation headed by the former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, the scandal of the United Nations Oil for food bringing new evidence.  Upwards to $10 billions was skimmed from the “Oil-for-food” program by Saddam Hussein of which part is suspected to have been funneled to the terrorist network of Osama bin Laden.  The money trail appears to also be headed towards (Click to Open “America and the World of Terror)


A World Religion for a World Peace


Matthew 24:24 – “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” 


It is hard to know how to spiritually walk in these times because of the fear of deception.  Pursuing any one institutional image or thought process has the appearance of being spiritually perilous.  The life that Jesus taught us to live was a life in a personal relationship with Him.  As such we have full access through Him to His Father in heaven.  In all of us there is truth mixed with deception. Is it not true that usually what we fervently believe, we will eventually create an institutional framework in order to justify what we want to believe.  What is harder is to walk solely focused on the Eternal One of Israel.  Yet this is what the Lord of hosts asked His people to do at the Mount of Sinai.  He sought a covenant relationship with His people directly, not shielded within a framework of “Israelism” or any other institutional “isms”. 


The following article is extremely informative on the growth of Christian Zionism.  Yet, is this true spiritual politics?  The only Zionism I can find in the Bible, the TaNaKh or the Brit Hadassah, is that the Lord of hosts when He was speaking to the Jewish people and to the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel was that He will bring them back to the “Land” that He gave to their fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  When we read the New Testament (Brit Hadassah) neither does there appear to be a mandate for Christians to convert the Jews to their Messiah, Jesus the Nazarene. 


The big question is whether the God of Israel rejected His people, the Jews, because they rejected His Son.  (Click to Open a World Religion for a World Peace)  


Knowledge shall be Increased


From the joys of the dynamic images of a growing fetus seen on ultrasonic image from a mother’s womb, we can now visualize the process of how being “created in the image of God” is transformed into the literal reality of a child of God.  Very early in the growth cycle of development, the fetal human depicts very complex movements and expression that truly express its humanity.  These have been captures in dramatic images such a walking, yawning, opening and shutting their eyes, smiling and crying.  How beautifully we can now document the ‘humanness’ of a fetus. 


At the same time, astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has reconsidered his views on Black Holes and the destruction of matter, a fly-by to Mercury is opening new understanding to earth’s sister planet, a skeleton during the era of the Christian Crusades has been discovered in Israel, beryllium ice cores have now determined that the fall, 2003 sunspots and solar flares of the Resurgent Sun have now been documented as been at a 1,000 year high, the collapse of earth’s geomagnetic field may soon lead to a polar reversal, African plants growing as native plants in Holland, superbugs such as MRSA, ESBL, VRE, SRSV that are posing life threatening risks to humans due to mutations or antibody resistance and how you may have Human Mad Cow Disease and not even know it. (Click to Open Knowledge shall be Increased)


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