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“The Secret Name of Yeshua at Rosh Hashanah”

The Testimony of Yeshua by the Jewish Orthodox Rabbi Simcha Pearlmutter

A Revelation of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua as Spoken by the Chazal, and the Sages of Judah

Transcribed by Agatha Van der Merwe, Editor of Kol Ha Tor

Posted by Robert D. Mock MD - Contributing Editor of Kol Ha Tor

August, 2009


Complete and Unabridged Transcript (2009) of 9 Part YouTube Video Lectures Recorded (1992) in Israel and posted on


Part Six of Nine


Please come and visit. I told you, don’t bother to write to me, and don’t bother to telephone me about converting to Christianity. It’s useless, I won’t do it. But if you want to write to me, and telephone me, and talk to me and say, “Rabbi, we would like to come and visit. We would like to come and see what you are talking about, and we would like to physically touch this land, physically touch this people.” Please, I reach out my hands to you. Please. I cannot be one of you, but G-d has commanded that many of you will be one of me—one of us.


What am I doing revealing that secret name of Yeshua that’s been so zealously guarded over all these years, a name that was told to me in a whisper by the Rabbi who taught me. A whisper when he went…[indicating with his finger the sealing of the mouth]…like that. And he said, “Now you know and now you don’t say.” There is a saying in Hebrew that goes like this, Eileh yesh yodim lo omerim, v’eilah yesh omerim, lo yadim. It means, Those who know, don’t say, and those who say, don’t know.” Simple. And that has been the point that has kept us all these years.


But how can I give to you some proof, not just my words? Oh, sure you can go and say, “Look, let me talk to Rabbi so and so, let me talk to this one, let me talk to that one and ask if, what I heard from this crazy Rabbi in the desert, if it’s true, or if he’s talking out of the top of his kippah”—his yarmulke. And the answer is, you don’t have to run. I’ll show you while you are here. Then you can run. At least you’ll run with some knowledge. You know, when you are running for the goalpost, it is good to have the football. Right? What is the point of running for the goalpost if you don’t have the football? No score.


Ok. Now, if my faithful cameraman will come in on my book, I will hold it up and I’ll show you something. I know a very kind and wonderful Rabbi in Israel, I am not going to mention his name, because he didn’t give me permission to give his name on this tape, on this videotape. But it’s a gift, and I can tell you that the book is a very kosher book. And the book happens to be the prayer book for Rosh Hashanah. We call it the Machzor, and it happens to be in the nusach, or the tradition of the Ashkenazim, the European Jewry or Western Jewry, rather than Eastern Jewry, although the same thing appears as well in the image001Eastern tradition.


I just happen to have an Ashkenazi tradition book here. The book by the way, so that you will know, I will turn to the first page so that you can see, is called Machzor Rabbah. And it is for Rosh Hashanah, and it’s nusach Ashkenaz and it’s printed by what’s called the…[Hebrew words spoken here]…by the Publishing House of Eshkol of Jerusalem. That’s the title.


In the Sefirot of the World of the Divine, YHVH Elohim is called “Metatron”, the Angel before the Presence of the Divine”. It is the Tiferet, the Emanation in the Midst of the World of the Divine - The Sefirot by Rabbi Isaac Luria (14th century CE) – The Same Archetype is found in the Midst of the Next Level of Creation, “Michael”, the ‘Crown Messiah’ in the Sefirot of the World of the Spirit Beings



Now there comes a time during Rosh Hashanah that we blow the shofar, the ram’s horn. Many of you know it. Many of you may even have heard it. I happen to blow it here, and it’s something that one will never forget once he experiences that. But during the time of the blowing of the ram’s horn there is a little prayer that we say in between the various sets of soundings.


The first set of sounds of the shofar is called “Tashrat.” In Hebrew we make a  combination, it’s like NATO, which is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, right? Well, here, we have Tashrat, which is Tekiah, Shevarim-Teruah, and Tekiah. And I won’t go into all what it means. Enough to say it’s called Tashrat. There are very deep meanings behind all those tones, but we won’t have the opportunity or the time to go into it now. The prayer that we say between the first set of soundings and the second set of soundings, which you see here, is this prayer. And I am going to read it to you as I point to it.


It says, Yehi ratzon milfaneikhah, and I’ll translate it.


Yehi ratzon milfaneikhah, “May it be your desire, your will before you,” talking to Hashem, to G-d,

shetekiat tashrat,that the blowing, the sounding of Tashrat,”

she’anachnu toq’im, “that we are blowing,”

tehei meruqemet, “will be interwoven,”

biri’ah, “in the fabric, in the curtains of heaven,” if you will,

al y’dei ham’munneh, “by the hand of the monitor, by the hand of the one who is in charge, the supervisor,”

Tarti’el. That’s the name of one of the angelic  supervisors in the heavenly sphere.

K’shem,like the name,”

sheqibalta, “which you received,”

al y’dei, “by the hand of,”

Eliyahu, “Elijah,”

zichronam livracha,of blessed memory.”

vi’Yeshua, “and Yeshua.”

Sar Ha-Panim, “the Prince, the Minister of the Face,”


Notice this very clearly and carefully, vi’Yeshua, “and Yeshua.” Yeshua. Here is the name that I spoke of, the name which you have received, Yeshua. We give him a title, and right after that, the title is called Sar Ha-Panim, “the Prince, the Minister of the Face,” meaning the face of Hashem. In other words, this one called Yeshua, is no less given the title of the very reflection of the insides, the panim, the insides, the face, panim, of G-d. And we utter his name between the first and second soundings of the shofar, called the ram’s horn. Now let me finish the prayer.


In the Sefirot of the World of the Divine, YHVH Elohim is called “Metatron”, the Angel before the Presence of the Divine”. It is the Tiferet, the Emanation in the Midst of the World of the Divine - The Sefirot by Rabbi Isaac Luria (14th century CE) – The Same Archetype is found in the Midst of the Next Level of Creation, “Michael”, the ‘Crown Messiah’ in the Sefirot of the World of the Spirit Beings


V’Sar Metatron, U’timalei aleinu, b’rachamim. Barukh atah, Ba’al Harachamim.

And also the minister, Metatron, and fill us up, with Your mercies. Blessed ar you, He who possesses all mercies.”


V’Sar Metatron, “and also the minister, Metatron.” That, by the way, is sometimes used as another name for the name Yeshua. It means, The Guide of the Way, Metatron.

            U’timalei aleinu, “and fill us up,”

                        b’rachamim, with Your mercies.”

Barukh atah, Blessed are you,

Ba’al Harachamim, “He who possesses all mercies.”


All right. We have now uttered the name (of Yeshua) during the time of the sounding of the shofar. But we have one final prayer that we must say, which relates to that prayer I’ve just read to you. And after we have sounded the final set of soundings in this portion of the service, we then refer—we then refer—to the final little prayer and it says this:


Uv’chen, “Accordingly,”

y’hi ratzon milfaneicha, “may it be your desire before You.” This stands for the name of G-d, but we won’t say it, we’ll say Hashem,  

                        Elokeinu, “our G-d,”

                                    v’Eilokei avoteinu, “and G-d of our fathers,”

                                                sheya’alu eilu, “that these should ascend, which,”

                                                            hamalachim, “the messengers should ascend,”

hayotz’im min ha-shofar, “that have gone up from the shofar,”

umin ha-tekiah, “and from the tekiah (one of the notes we have sounded),

                                                umin ha-shevarim, also a note,

                                    umin ha-teruah, a note,

umin ha-tashrat, umin tashat, umin tarat, the three soundings, the three sets of soundings,

lifnei khisei chevodekha, remember the name that we called out that it should go “before Your throne of glory,”

vayamlitzu, “and that” these names “should recommend,” (meaning the name of Yeshua),

            tov, “goodness,”

                        ba’adeinu, “in our behalf,”

                                    l’khapeir, “in order to atone,”

                                                al kol chatoteinu, in order to atone “for all our sins.”


So the last prayer says that we call upon the name of Yeshua that it may atone for all our sins.  Now I want you to understand very clearly that I did not write this prayer, and I did not publish this book, and I did not write this book. This book was written by Rabbis long ago, and this prayer cannot be taken out of this prayer book, not by me, and not by any other Rabbi. Even if a Rabbi desired to extract it, he could not—not if he is an orthodox and observant Rabbi who goes by rabbinical halachah, because he is bound by what we call the word and the prayers of Chazal. “Chazal” means, Chachameinu zichronam livracha, “Our wise men of blessed memory.” And what Chazal has put in, we are of insufficient authority to remove.


Go to Section Seven –

The Rosh Hashanah Concert for Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand


Printable Copy of All Nine Messages



Are you concerned for the Future of Israel and G-d’s Covenanted Plan to Return the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel back home?

Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove. Here is an Orthodox and Rabbinic website by the House of Judah to Welcome and Assist in this Prophetic Mandate; the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel


For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel we invite you to Visit the website – “Shomron Lives!”, a Bed and Breakfast Guest House, with Tours of the Regions of Shomron (Samaria) and Judea plus the Hebraic Restoration Bible College.


Welcome and Visit, Lost Tribers of the House of Israel, your Future Homeland!

HaTor today


Orthodox Jewish Testimony of Yahshua HaMaschiach (Jesus the Messiah)

by the Israeli Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Simcha Pearlmutter

Revelation of Jewish Messiah Yeshua as Spoken by the Chazal, the Sages of Judah


Go to Section One –

A Voice Crying in the Wilderness


Go to Section Two –

The Written and the Oral Torah


Go to Section Three –

Israel, the Messiah and the Torah


Go to Section Four –

Messiah’s Message – I will Return with your ‘Return’ during your National Resurrection


Go to Section Five –

Return Home to Israel


Go to Section Six –

The Secret Name of Yeshua at Rosh Hashanah


Go to Section Seven –

The Rosh Hashanah Concert for Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand


Go to Section Eight –

The Messiah Yeshua suffered with Six Million Jews


Go to Section Nine –

Yeshua the Son – the Redemption of all Newborn Sons


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Yeshua the Son – the Redemption of all Firstborn Sons


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Message from BibleSearchers


BibleSearchers scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end.  It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”.  Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth.  In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.  Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace.  Our defender is the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth.  The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.  In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information.  We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah and the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament.



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