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Image of the Moon during the eclipse taken by Anthony ArrigoThe “Blood Moon” over California on August 28, 2007, just prior to the Arrival of the Seventh Sabbatical Year from 2001 to 2008

Photo by Anthony Arrigo/Space/



BibleSearchers Reflections

Reflections on the Time of the End

By Robert Mock MD

Fall Jewish Festival Special Edition

July - September, 2007 Issue


A Look at the Last “Sabbatical” Seven Years before the Messiah’s Final Arrival

Reflection Topics

Will 2008 be the Year of the Coming of the Messiah?

The Effect of the Jews, Christians, and Muslim’s Views upon the Final Apocalypse

The Rise of the Sea Beast and the “Messiah the Prince”

The Convergence of Prophetic Streams before the Messiah Returns

The Fourth Reich and the Seventy Year Prophecy of Jeremiah

The Third Reich’s Holocaust and the Seventy Years to Build the Rothschild Temple

The Abomination of Desolation and the Two Witnesses

The Effect of Jewish Mysticism on the Earth’s Final Days Karro’s Painting – “Welcoming of the Moshiach”


Will 2008 be the Year of the Coming of the Messiah?

Part One




The Hebrew Number Seven

The Sh’mittah or Seventh Year, 2008, of the Sabbatical Week of Years 2001 – 2008

The Sabbatical Weeks of Years 1994-2001, a cycle of “Peace for Land”
The Prophetic War Cycles before the Coming of the Messiah

The Sabbatical Weeks of Years 2001-2007, a cycle of “Peace with Great Security from Terrorism”

The First Year 2002 as Spiritual “Rain” Disappears

The Second Year 2003 as Famine and Dissatisfaction Amount

The Third Year 2004 with Famine, Death, as the Torah is Forgotten

The Fourth Year 2005 with Political and Spiritual Ambivalence

The Fifth Year 2006 as Torah will Return with Joy and Happiness to the Land

The Sixth Year 2007 with Voices of the Messiah and War Call of the Shofar

The War Shofars Blasting in America as the Sovereignty of America comes to her End

The Seventh Year 2008 there will be War

Will the Eighth Year 2009 be the Year of the Messiah?




There is a consensus among the ancient Hebrew prophets that a messiah of the House of David will return for the redemption of His own people, the “chosen ones”.  This will occur after the seventh year of a seven year Sabbatical week of years at the time of the endIn the first year of the era of the next Sabbatical cycle, the eighth year of that current Sabbatical seven years, the Messiah son of David (Moschiach ben Dovid) will return to destroy those who seek to control and destroy this earth and will usher in a new messianic eraAs we study, we are impressed that looking beyond that day has not been a big part of the eschatological mindset of the sages of Judah.  The focus is redemption and restoration. This reality has such a persisting appeal that it appears to permeate the deepest level of Jewish consciousness


As we begin to look to our prophetic future, in the hopes for redemption and salvation for all who are willing to come before the throne of God, we are sometimes overwhelmed as we watch the clashing streams of prophecy that are cascading and surrounding our lives. The world appears to becoming one big prophetic river of geo-political and religious events. As we watch this roller coaster ride into the future apocalypse, we pause and pray;


“Lord, open our eyes that we might behold that our salvation is near! Open our minds, O Lord of the heavenly hosts, that we might believe that You will bring holiness out of the profane, bring Light to the darkness that is surrounding us, and bring peace and salvation from the terror of evil of those who seek only power, greed and control of this planet earth!  Open our hearts that we might affirm that You alone O Lord, is the Sovereign God of the Universes, guiding the affairs of the nations to their final culmination!  Please open Your arms, O Master of the Universe, we might have the privilege to “abide within the Shadow of the Almighty.” 


(Click to Open the Article, “Will 2008 be the Year of the Coming of the Messiah?”)


Beishamikdashhashlishi_1Jewish  Messianic Temple  - Painting by American Jewish artist Elisheva Rubin


The Effect of the Jews, Christians, and Muslim’s Views upon the Final Apocalypse

Part Two




The Apocalyptic Views of Christians, Muslims, and Jews

The Essenes’ Book of Enoch’s effect upon the Gift of Prophecy of the Nazarenes

GoguMagog, the White and Red Apocalyptic Horsemen in the War Cycle of 2001-2008

Will Daniel’s Epic Ram and the He-Goat War be Completed before GoguMagog is Over?

The European Country of France as a Member of Gog’s Magog Coalition

The Emerging North American Union and the Amero Currency


Is it not amazing how the apocalyptic events that are expected to occur at the time of the end are shaped by the three main religions of the world that revolved around the life and ministry of the Jewish messiah, Yehoshua (Jesus)?  How so do we ask?  According to BibleSearchers historical documentation, the Jewish Galilean rabbi called Yehoshua ben Yosef (Jesus son of Joseph) was recognized as the messiah of the Jews in the 1st century by a majority of the Jewish population in Galilee and Judea, during the forty years after His death in the year of 30 BCEForty years later, after four decades of omens to the Jewish people, the beautiful temple of Herod, one of the largest temples in the ancient world was destroyed by the Roman forces of Vespasian and Hadrian. 


The Jewish religion that was controlled by the Pharisee School of Shammai, during the days of Jesus, returned back to the influence of Beit Hillel (School of Hillel) after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 CEDuring the life and ministry of Yehoshua (Jesus), He was involved in many debates with the Pharisees that at times appeared bitter and harsh in His denunciation.  For thousands of years, it has been believed that Jesus was against the Pharisees, but there is growing historical documentation that Yehoshua’s defense in His halakhic debates (“How to live the life of Torah”) was against the disciples of Shammai, who were virulent anti-gentile and wanted to create a fortress Judea against the gentile world


According to BibleSearchers historical documentation, the Jewish Galilean rabbi called Yehoshua ben Yosef (Jesus son of Joseph) was recognized as the messiah of the Jews in the 1st century by a majority of the Jewish population in Galilee and Judea, during the forty years after His death in the year of 30 BCEForty years later, after four decades of omens to the Jewish people, the beautiful temple of Herod, one of the largest temples in the ancient world was destroyed by the Roman forces of Vespasian and Hadrian. (Click to Open the Article, “The Effect of the Jews, Christian, and Muslim’s Views upon the Final Apocalypse”) Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Painting  by Sharlene Linkskog Osorio


The Rise of the Sea Beast and the “Messiah the Prince”

Part Three



The Rise of the Sea Beast and the “Messiah the Prince”

The “Sea Beast” - Matrix of the Forces of Evil rise out of the Sea of the Nations of Humanity

The Rise of the “Earth Beast” and the “False Prophet”

Are We Prepared to Witness the Rise of the Black Seal, the Black Internationale, and the Black Pope?

GoguMagog’s Effect on the Re-Union of the Houses of Judah with Joseph and Ephraim

The Revelation of the Messiah we look at the streams of prophecies that are cascading towards the river of the apocalypse, we ask, if the fulfillment of the rabbinic commentary was not completed in the Sabbatical seven year cycle from 2001 to 2008, then what will we need to anticipate over the next three and a half years?  In the Book of Daniel, we will soon see that there will be a covenant with many (‘the great ones’) for one week (‘seven years’)”.   Three and a half years from Rosh Hashanah 2008, the Prince” will bring an end to the newly resurrected sacrificial system in Jerusalem with the final “abomination of desolation” predicted by Daniel the Prophet and Yehoshua the Messiah.


The Little Horn third seal of Revelation will be expected to come from the North of JerusalemHow to we know this?  To understand the four horseman seal’s of Revelation is to understand that they are a continuation of the prophecy of the four horses and chariots of the prophecies of Zechariah.  The first seal horse of the Apocalypse came from the Christian West and the second horse of the Apocalypse came from the Islamic EastIt was to the North Country that the Black Horse and Chariot went in the days of Zechariah the Prophet and from there it will return as the Fourth Apocalyptic Horseman of Revelation.


This was the region of Pergamum, Turkey, the ancient seat of the Vatican Rome before the Babylonian priesthood completed their move from Babylon to Rome.  At least over the next eighteen months (Rosh Hashanah 2008 to Passover 2010), it will be anticipated by those with “eyes that can see” for they will behold the transformation of the Vatican into its final incarnation as the “Seat of Satan”.  At this time, the rise of Daniel’s “little horn” will be revealed. (Click to Open the Article, “Cosmic Passover Drama during Yahshua’s Death on the Tree”)


Shabbatai Tzvi (1666) - the Last Failed Messiah of Messianic Judaism


The Convergence of Prophetic Streams before the Messiah Returns

Part Four




The Coming One World Federation (World of Peace with Great Security) in a World of Terrorism and Catastrophes

The Final Seven Sabbatical Years (2008 to 2014) – First Three Years, an Era of Famine

Prophecy of St. Malachy and the Global Forces Seeking to Control Jerusalem

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of Revelation 13

The First White Apocalyptic War Seal of Revelation

Second Red Apocalyptic War Seal of Revelation

The War of GoguMagog and the Black Internationale

Third Black Apocalyptic War Seal of Revelation

The Final Two Popes of Rome

The Fourth and the Fifth Apocalyptic Seals

The Solar Maximum in 2012 – most Intense in 400 Years


Let us relook at the original commentary of the sages in the Talmudic Tractate called the “Sanhedrin” on the final seven year cycle before the coming of the messiahAccording to the rabbinic commentaries, the final seven years cycle before the coming of the messiah, the Maschiach Yisra’el will begin with the following yearly prophecies.  We also will seriously engage the concept that since the God of Israel made the weekly cycles of days, weeks, years, and Jubilees maybe they are to give us hints as to the timing and the seasons of His messiah’s return.  Through we do not know the “day, nor the hour, as Yehoshua warned, we might know the year and the season of His return.


Matthew 24:36 – “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”


According to Jewish beliefs, the messiah will return the year after the Sabbatical cycle ends.  Since the Messiah ben David did not come by the year of 2001 and probably will not come by 2009, the eighth year of the last Sabbatical cycle (2001-2008), let us now begin to seriously look at the next Sabbatical cycle, the years from 2009 to 2015. (Click to Open the Article, “The Convergence of Prophetic Streams before the Messiah Returns”) Chancellor Adolf Hitler, the Father?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Daughter?


The Fourth Reich and the Seventy Year Prophecy of Jeremiah

Part Five




The Dual Prophesies of Jeremiah’s Seventy Years

The Three German Reichs

The Third Reich and the “Final Solution”

Will the purported Daughter of Adolf Hitler Unveil the Revived Holy Roman Empire –

The Black Internationale?

The Rothschild Equation in the Future World Federation – Is the “Royal Boy Chosen”,

The “Messiah the Prince”?

The European Globalists Return to their Shabbatai-Frankist Ancestral Roots

The Rise of the Final Path of World Domination – The Leader that May Lead us There

The Views of the German Reformer, Martin Luther on God’s Chosen People, the Jews




In the past few years, the rabbis of Israel have questioned as to whether the seventy year prophecy of Jeremiah was actually fulfilled because the Jews were not in Babylon for a full seventy yearsMaybe we are at a very important conjunction of time in Jewish history for it appears that another 70 years is about to be visited upon the Jewish people.  It was about 605 BCE, before the arrival of the forces of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, the Prophet Jeremiah pronounced an interesting prophecy concerning to the return of the Jews from exile. We suggest that maybe imbedded in the Seventy Year Prophecy of Jeremiah was a dual prophecyLet us continue our journey and study the last global imperial dream of Adolf Hitler, its catastrophic affect upon the Jewish people, the history of the roots of the German Reichs, and the enigmatic hint that the DNA imprint of Hitler is literally with us here todayAs the European Union and Germany’s charismatic chancellor leads the ancient provinces of Rome to their prophetic destiny, will these three Reichs of Germany presage the rise of the Fourth Reich of the Leopard bodied “Sea Beast” of Revelation 13, and the “Messiah the Prince” of Daniel 7? …(Click to Open the Article, “The Fourth Reich and the Seventy Year Prophecy of Jeremiah”)


The Jewish Holocaust Restoration of the Jewish Temple


The Third Reich’s Holocaust and the Seventy Years

to Build the Rothschild Temple

Part Six




The Building of the Rothschild Temple in Jerusalem

The Holocaust and the Prophet Jeremiah’s Seventy Years

Year Four, the Countdown to the Final Apocalypse Accelerates

The Implications of the GoguMagog War on the Building of the Rothschild Temple

The Jewish Dedication of the Rothschild Temple


For the next two articles in this series, we will begin to take all the elements or prophetic streams identified so far and place them into a prophetic “model”.   We understand that this is only a potential pathway our international, political, environmental, and religious world will head over the next seven years until the arrival of the MessiahWe will track “times” and “dates”.  We will keep the Jewish people as the principle actors in the final “Drama of the Ages” because this is what the prophets say. We will bring in the supporting actors; the Christians and the MuslimsWith all the images of the “prophets of the TaNaKh (Old Testament), the Brit Hadassah (New Testament), and the wisdom of the sages of Judah, we will collect these and try to reconstruct the final four years before the final revelation of the Messiah son of David (Maschiach ben Dovid). is always uncomfortable when we begin to literalize prophetic passages and put them into real time and placeI have a bookcase of biblical prophesies unfulfilled and the authors discredited for the courage to put as many of the passages into real time and place over the last century and a half.  Many denominations refuse to even consider literal interpretation of prophesyThey speak of prophecy in great historical ages, but the impact refuses to have urgent appeal.   Some of our collective religious ancestry came from the “Great Awakening” when the first prophetic message that Jesus was coming literally on a certain day and hour was preached all over the eastern seaboard of the United States.  After a century and a half we wonder, “What are we watching for?” The God of Israel will bless those who take His prophetic word literally, practice and await His coming as though it were tomorrowAt the same time, we use His divine caution, “Watch, and be ready!”  Whatever the hazards, it beats the alternative; remain clueless until after the “bridegroom” has gone into his wedding feast. (Click to Open the Article, “The Third Reich’s Holocaust and the Seventy Years to Build the Rothschild Temple”)


Prime Minister Haman outlining “Final Solution” to King Ahasuerus of Persia - 1925


The Abomination of Desolation and the Two Witnesses

Part Seven



The Red Heifer, the Purification of Israel, and the Completion of the Temple on Hanukkah

The Dedication of the Rothschild Temple

In the “Midst of the Week” – the Abomination and Re-Dedication of the Rothschild Temple

The Prophecy of 1260, 1290, and 1335

The Creation of the “Image to the Beast” – a Cabbalistic Amoral Golem

The “Abomination of Desolation”

The First Passover Lamb Sacrifice in 2000 Years in the Rothschild Temple

The Two Witnesses

1335 Days after the Foundation of the Temple is Laid

Year Four of the Sabbatical Year

The Coming of the Early and the Latter Rain

The Latter Rain (Baptism of the Ruach HaKodesh) during Pentecost

Year Five of the Sabbatical Year

Postlude – The Final Thirty Six Months


Within this seven year cycle, the Passover celebration will arrive in the “midst of the week”.  It will come just after the 1260 days since the day that the foundation of the temple was laid, the temple will be completed. The first “sacrificial offering” in almost two thousand years will be offered in the new temple.  This “sacrifice” will be witnessed by the entire world on amazingly the very day celebrating that last “abomination of desolations” that defiled the Temple of Zerubabbel two thousand years ago.  Would we not expect that an electric feeling will be felt by the Jewish people throughout the whole land?


We understand that this is a “model” on the construction of the Temple of Zerubabbel.  We also understand that the future of this planet is in the palm of the Creator’s hand.  Yet if this “model” was intentionally given for our understanding, we can now reconstruct the date for the 1290th day. (Click to Open the Article, “The Abomination of Desolation and the Two Witnesses”)


The Complete Lunar Eclipse “Blood Moon”  over Stonehenge on August 28, 2007, just prior to the Shmittah Sabbatical Rosh Hashana 2007 – Next Cycle in Seven Years near Rosh Hashanh 2014

Total Lunar Eclipse - Philip Perkins

Gleanings - The Effect of Jewish Mysticism on the Earth’s Final Days

Part Eight



Rabbi Luria’s Messianic Idealism and the Faith in Yehoshua’s Return

The Three Days in History when the Sun Returned to its Stellar Home of Creation

“Hashgochah Pratit” – Connecting with the Divine

The Final Battle with Ishmael

The Battle for the Jewish Soul – the Role of the Final Messiah

The Final Battle for Israel à The Final Battle for the Messiah


The Father, the “Abba” of Yehoshua, is the God of the Universe. Jesus the Messiah is the pathway for us to enter the World of the Divine. One of the most mysterious, and sacred paths of the ancient Hebrews was to learn how to ascend mentally to the throne of the God.  This took intense spiritual, physical, and emotional maturity.  This ascent was called the “Chariot”.


Yehoshua (Jesus) knew that the life of His disciples after His resurrection was not an event that they could anticipate.  They were seeing and being introduced to mystical ideology merging before their eyes in virtual reality.  In their private sessions, their Master taught them on how to reach their mental powers into the heavens on the “heavenly cherub” just like He did on the hillsides of Galilee when privately alone, only He and His Father in heaven communed with one another.  This was the life of Adam in the Garden of Eden.


The ability to mentally ascend to the Presence of the Almighty One like Yahshua did on those Galilean hillsides in prayer to His Abba, would soon revolutionize their lives.  They would soon understand the reality that the worlds that were unseen could also be seen.  That which was known to exist could now be perceived in reality.  There was a fine veil between the worlds of the unseen, the perceived and the seen. 


Yet, there would be those who would take what they believed to be the path of the Chariot, and soon found themselves entering the pits of demonic hell.  They used what they believed to be the unspoken Holy Name of God and soon found that they were spiritually and emotionally departing from the presence of God. 


One of the great seductive thoughts is that if we can create life, we are now on the pathway of becoming divine. So the search for the “creation of life” and “artificial human intelligence” is many times a spiritual pathway of doom.  This pathway in modern science today is alive and well“As in the days of Noah”, so again we are seeking to amalgamate or mix the genetics of the species how the God of creation made them to be. (Click to Open the Article, “The Effect of Jewish Mysticism on the Earth’s Final Days”)


Message from BibleSearchers


BibleSearchers scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end.  It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”.  Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth.  In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.  Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace.  Our defender is the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth.  The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.  In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information.  We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah and the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament.



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