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Noah and the Great Flood

by Robert D. Mock MD

Part Four in a Presentation to the Forum on Creation and Ancient History

Houston, Texas

Spring, 1998


The Flood as the Day of Judgment



The great flood of Noah is described in stories and mythology by the ancient inhabitants on almost every land mass of the world. Almost all describe a catastrophe unknown to their civilization, recognized in their lore a ‘day of judgment’ by the gods.  What we will be exploring are the models proposed that will necessary to inflict a catastrophic disaster over the entire world. 


Cycles of Mars - cyclical rotation of proto-Mars before it settled into a stable orbit was first proposed by Emmanuel Velikovsky, in the 1950, in Ages in Chaos and Worlds in Collision. This model proposed a close pass-by of the Planet Mars to the planet Earth.  The approximation of two giant magnetic iron crusted mantle planets produced the catastrophes recorded in the ancient Hebrew record, such as the Great Flood, destruction of the Tower of Babel, destruction of Sodom and Gommorah, the Exodus, the Long day of Joshua, et



Mars Icy Moon - According to studies by  Patton,  Mar’s on it’s first fly-by during the flood had an icy moon which rotated it.  This moon was captured by the earth and shattered.  The falling ice produced a tremendous rain including hail of ice an probably an ice ring around the earth similar to Saturn’s which lasted for many years.


Cometary ImpactAnother model proposed the crash of a comet through the canopy around the earth hit the earth with forces, that could have produced tidal waves 1000 feet into the air.


The Collapsing CanopyA icy canopy which shielded and protected the earth in the pre-diluvian era collapsed  either by an asteroid, cometary or ice moon impact.  The ice mantle    as it disintegrates also causes a tremendous raining flood.  This ice canopy is most popularly called the Valian Canopy.



Volcanoes and Subterranean - The era of vulcanism begins with the coming of the flood.  The earth’s mantle begins to crack and the subterranean water erupts out and the also the molten core begins to spew

volcanic debris in hundred of location around the world at one time.


The Mountain Uplifts -  

The close approximation of Mars, a iron crusted planet with Earth, also heavily laden with an iron enriched crust, causes tremendous gravitational uplifts.  Entire mountain chains such as the Himalayan  range from China to Europe could have been formed in about 40  minutes. 


The swinging back and forth like arcs would have been caused by the wobbling of the planets reacting to high magnetic fields as these iron planets came near to each other. 




Expanding Earth - Cracking of Pangea - The flood model of Dr. Art Chadwick, professor of Geology at Southwestern Adventist College suggests that the Triassic and Jurassic separation of Pangea is the same era as the Great Flood.(Chadwick, Art  PhD, A Flood Model, unpublished paper, at



                                    Jurassic Paleocurrents (Chadwick)




Living Inside the Ark


The Ark of Noah - Summary analysis


Delete from your mind any modern concepts of boats and go the ancient world before the separation of continents and the need to traverse large bodies of water in floatable objects  The integrity and stability of such a structure was paramount to survive the largest cataclysm known to mankind. 


The ArkImagine the ark as a house or a large barn which was sitting on a floatation device. This structure including the flotation platform was six stories or decks high of which three were actually used for living conditions for humans and animals.  The bottom flotation platform was possibly a storage deck and the rafter roof could constitute the other three decks. 


The Interior and the  Zohar:  The interior was built of wooden trusses in a lattice formation.  Light came in from the roof with a central opening along the entire length of the ship called the Zohar.  This opening in the roof was estimated to be about 2650 square feet.  It was architecturally  sloped so that water that came in would pour down and be diverted into at points to wash down the pens and cells for animals thereby cleansing the interior of the ship.  In many ways, it was like a central atrium supported with a lattice structure.  Dry areas would be preserved along the sides for animal habitation and for humans to live.


The Contents within the ArkNoah no doubt spent considerable time analyzing what was important to bring on board the ship.  We learn from The Epic of Gilgamesh,  he brought gold and silver on board.  Personal belongings and including records recorded on tablets of stone could have also been brought along.


The Animals within the ArkThis study will not analyze the  type, speciation, number of animal brought on board.  It will be assumed that the genetic purity of animals that created in the original creation would be an essential. 


Insulation: Considerable study into the astrophysics causing the flood suggesting that an ice planet shattering the canopy was a probable model in the start of the Great Flood.  The Iranian story of Varuna’s House of Clay covered with ice and snow may have seeds of reality. The ark floating on the seas above the submerged land, would be subjected to a massive ice dump.  That the ark could be coated over with a layer of ice and snow riding on the ocean of laden with ice suggests that a  ship with walls several feet thick of reed construction would provide one of the best thermal insulation sealants for the protections of life inside.


Air-Pump System:  A giant air-pump system was created within the ship as it rolled in the waves, sucking air in when the ship was cresting the waves and out of the interior of the ship when the ship would dip the troughs of the ocean. This action would cleanse the interior and provide fresh air to all the inhabitants.  It would require 85 cycles of rising and sinking to completely recycle the estimated 2,275,630 cubic feet of air space with the ark.  Methane gas buildup from excreta and urea would be washed away by the open hill bottom and the air would be constantly filtered. 


Flotation Raft:  The lower section which included the flotation support ramp of the ship was in a sense a free-bailing raft which some qualities like a catamaran sailing ship today.  The construction of this was made with reed gradually splicing and lashing them, twelve to a bundle, together in a larger and larger bundle , starting at the bow, until the middle of the ship was achieved about 357.5 feet.  By this time the reeds have formed a floatation pontoon about 8.5 feet wide.  As the builders would approach the other end of the ship, the reed bundles would get smaller until a pointed would be achieved at the other stern.  This would be repeated on the other side produced a dual floatation hull support basin.  The ends of the ship would be lashed together and end would anchor with a guy line until enough force and tension would  curl the ends like spiral of the interior of a nautilus shell. 


The KPR Coating:  The exterior and interior were then coated with the KPR coating to form a solidified exterior and interior.  The interior was then constructed to include storage bins, water reservoirs, and compartment sealed also exterior and interior with KPR coated with white natron so that storage seed for planting a year later, plus food provisions which consisted of predominately roots (ie potatoes, carrots etc)


Waste disposal plant:  Waste would not build up because it could be freely washed out the bottom in what would look today like a giant indoor swimming pool.  This measured about 26.5 x 200 feet or 5300 square feet.  The boatmen would manage the drouges from this platform. Nets  could be utilized in calmer waters to catch fish to enhance the diet of the animals and human.    In rougher seas, oil could be slowly emitted in a film to calm the surrounding waters by reducing the friction between the wind and the waves.  This application of oil is still used today in rough seas by the merchant marines. 


The Shape to match the Waves:  The shape of the ark was critical for the total stability in massive rough seas which potentially could ride waves hundreds or even thousands of feet into the air. The sides of the flotation platform conformed to the curve of the logrithmic spiral shape of pi or phi, in which the waves action conforms in natural water movement.  When a wave would hit the side of the ship, the forces would distribute equally over the entire wall so to dissipate the immense stresses of direct physical blows.


The Bones of Adam and The Sacred Egg


Reliquary in the Ark - the bones of Adam

Traditional sources in the Midrashian of the Hebrew literature claim that the bones of Adam found their final resting place of internment in the Cave in the field of Machpelah which was purchased from the Hittites by Abraham for 30 pieces of silver.  Within Hebrew, early Christian and Quaram (Arabian) legends, the ancient patriarchs including Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rebecca and Leah and the Twelve sons of Jacob were placed here as their final resting place.  The bones of Joseph (identified by many as Imhotep, the famed vizar, physician of Egypt) was taken and carried by the Children of Israel throughout their wanderings in the wilderness and placed in this cave when they entered Canaan, the Promise Land.


The Book of Adam and Eve -

Dialogue between Adam and Seth

“O Seth, my son, the moment I am dead take ye my body and wind it up with myrrh aloes, and cassia, and leave me here in this Cave of Treasures in which are all these tokens which God gave us from the garden.

“O my son, hereafter shall a flood come and overwhelm all creatures, and leave out only eight souls.

“But, O my son, let those whom it will leave out from among your children at that time, take my body with

them out of this cave; and when they have taken it with them, let the oldest among them command his

children to lay my body in a ship until the flood has been assuaged, and they come out of the ship.

“Then they shall take my body and lay it in the middle of the earth, shortly after they have been saved from the waters of the flood.

“For the place where my body shall be laid, is the middle of the earth; God shall come from thence and shall save all our kindred.”  (Forgotten Books of Eden ed. Rutherford H. Platt Jr. , Second Book of Adam and Eve 8:9-13, World Bible Publishers, 1927)


Dialogue between Jared upon his death and Noah, “Then Noah said unto him, ‘Who is he of us that shall be left? “ And Jared answered, “Thou art he that shall be left.  And Thou shalt take the body of our father Adam from the cave and place it with thee in the ark then the flood comes.

“And thy son Shem, who shall come out of thy loins, he it is who shall lay the body of our father Adam in the middle of the earth, in the place whence salvation shall come.”  (Ibid, Second Book of Adam and Eve 21:9-11)


Paprus of Ani:





Budge, The Book of the Dead Tablet XII

                The Divine body of Ra (Adam) is in the Divine (Sacred) Boat (Ark) of Nu (Noah)                      

The Sacred Egg


Hyginus  the Egyptian lived during the era of Augustus as the keeper of the Palatine library: “An Egg of wondrous size is said to have rolled it to the bank where, the doves having settled upon it, hatched it and our came Venus, who afterward was call the Syrian Goddess Astarte.” (Fasold p. 237)








Typhon’s Egg , according to Fasold, stated that the ancient Greeks recognized Shem as Typhon of Egypt and it was also recognized a such by Herodotus (485-425 BC) and Plutarch (46 BC). According to Plutarch, he alludes that Set, was Shem, in the story of Osiris. In this story,  Set killed Osiris and this death was later revenged by Osiris’ son, Horus.  Conflict broke out between Set and Horus and Set ends up fleeing Egypt.   Set (Shem) then ‘begat’ two sons,  Hierosolymus (Jerusalem) and Judaeus (Judea).  This is capped by the statement, “the Egyptians confused their legends with the narratives of the Jews.”


The Priest-King called Melchazedek and the Osirian Mysteris- Of interest in this Egyptian legend about Set and Osiris is a comparison with the story of Abraham, who met with Melchizedek, the king of Salem, after he conquered the eastern coalition of five kings, who plundered Sodom and took Lot, his nephew, captive. 


At the time of this meeting, Abram and Melchizedek offered sacrifices and a tithe of the booty taken by the capture of the five kings was given to the servant of the Lord.  For many scholars, Seth was the High Priest of of the most High God (El Elyon) and this religion is known as the “Religion of Seth”.   This historical, yet mysterious figure, many scholars believe that Melchizedek was same person as the Patriarch Seth, now a man of extreme age and revered by the populous.  In the book of Jasher, it states, “Adonizedek,  king of Jerusalem, the same was Shem, went out…to meet Abram…in the valley of Melech.”  (Book of Jasher 16:11)


Let us relook at the names, Adonizedek, or ‘Righteous man of the Lord God’, also called Shem, the son of Noah, met Abram in the Valley of Melech.  Here he is also called in the Bible as Melchezedek, or the “Righteous Man at Melech”  Besides being a Priest, he was also the King of Salem, the town which later became the fortress city of the Jebusites, conquered by David and made his capital city, Jebu-salem or Jerusalem. 


The Battle between Osiris and Set - Of all the literature about the ancient land of Egypt and the Osirian Religion, we must now try to place this into Biblical history.  If our evaluation of the myths of Ancient Egypt and the Osirian Religion are correct, then we see the first conflict between the House of Egypt and the House of Israel.  Was Osiris the same of Mizraim, who founded the House of Egypt?  Let us go us and reconstruct again the dialogue between the Patriarch Jared, in whose era the land began to separate and the Pangea, the land of Eden became divided.  Sound strange and surreal that an event placed by geologists millions of years ago could actually be within the historical era of man?  This is what BibleSearchers is all about. Here is the text again.    

“Then Noah said unto him, ‘Who is he of us that shall be left? “ And Jared answered, “Thou art he that shall be left.  And Thou shalt take the body of our father Adam from the cave and place it with thee in the ark when the flood comes.

“And thy son Shem, who shall come out of thy loins, he it is who shall lay the body of our father Adam in the middle of the earth, in the place whence salvation shall come.”  (Ibid, Second Book of Adam and Eve 21:9-11)

There are two places in this world that compete for the title as ‘center of the earth’.  These are Egypt and the Giza Plateau and the Holy of Holies in the Temple of the Lord at Jerusalem.  Could we actually be seeing a family fight as to who would obtain possession of the Bones of Adam. Here we see partially in the mists of antiquity, a family fight, which would continue down the course of history, to the era of Joseph, the Exodus, the sacking of the Temple of Solomon, the wars between the kings of Israel and Judah with the Pharaohs of Egypt.  Yes, here we see Osiris (Misraim) and Set (Seth) in a deadly conflict, possibly over the possession of the Bones of Adam.  Set (Seth) kills Osiris (Misraim) and out of the conflict, Set (Seth) flees to the land of Canaan in which the city of Jerusalem and Judah are eventually established. 



Ashtarte (Ishtar and Venus) - In the ancient

      Chaldean mysteries, “all blessings to the human

      race which the Ark contained in its bosom were

      held to issue from Astarte, the mother of all living

      and benefactress to the world”  (Fasold, p232


     Therefore Asthtarte, Ishtar and Venus are

      paganization of Noah’s wife.






Summary (Sacred Egg)- Sorting through all these symbolic motifs we can now visualize, the Ark of Noah was like a large egg, protecting, nourishing and sustaining the inhabitants within.  The stories of the Sacred Egg, the Mundane Egg ( the egg in which the world was shut up within),  Typhon’s (Shem’s)  Egg, the Sacred Egg of Heliopolis and the Mystic Egg of Astarte (Noah’s wife) as represented by the classic poets and writers are now traced to the banks of the Euphrates at the source waters of the river FIRAT  in Turkey.  One can now visualize the reed formed boat covered with the ferrous-concrete as a natron washed white shell having every appearance of a giant eggs flowing down with the torrents of water in the Firat River as it flows through the valley that runs by Bayazit, near its final resting place.


The Easter Egg - During the era of the divided monarchy,  the Queen of Heaven (Ishtar, Ashtarte) was offered sacred bread in special rites. The prophet Jeremiah, stated, “The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire and the women knead their dough, to make cakes for the Queen of Heaven (Noah’s Wife as Ishtar)  This ancient ritual was later seen in the early Christian church celebrations.  The cross on Good Friday ( T) was also the emblem of Tammuz or Ashtarte.  During these celebration, cakes were made and eaten at the Festival of Ashtarte as hot cross buns.


Just east of Bayazit, is the landing site of the Ark  and the place called East Bayazit, the hills above the town where pilgrims made their way to the “Great Egg” many carrying talismans and amulets to commemorate their pilgrimage.  The East Egg was later transferred to an Easter Egg, whose real paganization is not with its religious history but its modern commercialization.


The concept of a flood, is now traceable to many ancient and even modern myths in which the Ark is seen as an Egg in which the whole human race (family of Noah) is enclosed and protected and is later hatched. These symbols can be seen in the religious festivals in China and Japan in which

                 Old engraving of Bayazit                           they use dyed and painted eggs.





Go to Part 5 - Moving to a New Home – The Landing of the Ark of Noah